Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Downtown Mall

On the Downtown Mall, we took a variety of pictures to turn them into a type of "Where's Waldo?" search. To turn them into these types of pictures, we put two of the same image side-by-side or above-and-below one another. Next we hid or added something new to the second picture.
The most important thing to look for when choosing an image to age, is that the image needs to not have any modern aspects showing. So no phones, H-D TVs, or computers in it. I used coffee stain brushes as well as ripped brushes, to give it that worn look that all old photos have.


I modeled my collage off of the artist David Brady. To make my collage look like his, I used a patchwork effect to the image, plus a rock and wolf above all of the textures.

Warm and Cool hands

Warm colors add a yellow effect to the picture, and can be used to lighten the mood of an image. Cool and Emerald colors add blue and green effects, and can be used to sadden the mood of images.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Glowing Lights

I used the pen tool to create an S curve in the first picture and turned it multiple times to create that image. For the second i made a straight line and then chalked the end, then created alot of lines coming out of it to give it a magical effect.


Typgraphy is the use of text to create an image. I used typography to create a flower and a sun.