Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jumping off page

Mid-term Exam

For this picture i used the clone stamp, quick selection, layer mask tools, and the Gaussian blur filter.

Macro Examples


the macro setting lets you take close-up pictures of objects without it blurring.

Camera RAW

Camera Raw is a Photo Shop mini-plug in which allows you to make different adjustments by moving sliders. The advantages are that you can do all the adjustments faster than in normal Photo Shop.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spooky Face

I used the "Creepy Eyes" tutorial. It was an easy turotial to follow, as i only needed to add lens flares and (if i wanted) a gradiant map to make the image darker. I used the eraser tool to get rid of some of the flare because it was over most of the image.

Carter Mountain

We went on a class field trip to Carter Mt., a local apple orchard. We had to take a total of 24 pictures, but only edit 5 of them.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Visual Pun

For this project, I used a commonly knowned word, which happened to be a visual pun.