Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The bottom picture was the original pic for the top kaleidoscope. The third picture wa the original for the second kaleidoscope. For the creation of this kaleidoscope, i used the steps as explained in Ms. Lewis' word document.

Tools Review

The tools i used were quick mask, quick selection, elptical marquee tool, magic wand, and layermask.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pop Art Pictures

All of these pictures were taken in my house. The bottom four were taken in the same room, which was my living room, while the top one was from my personal room.

Pop Art Examples

The bottom two examples of pop art are made by Andy Warhol, while the top is was created by an anonymous creator, whose name was not given. All three were taken off of google images.

Change my look

For this project, I used the paint brush, quick selection, and I also added in color balances. I did that three seperate times for the picture of me, my partner, and the celebrity I chose for this project.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pop Art

For this project I used the Channel mixer, threshold, paintbrush and eraser tool. I also used halftone patterns under filter, then sketch. For the patterns, I used regular ben-day dots. I used this picture because of the antiquity of this scale, which was used for weighing meats in supermarkets before electronic scanners. It stuck out to me because I've always loved this scale, and it looked like it would be in a pop-art setting. The second picture is the original i used to create the pop art image.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Layer Mask

The only tools I used to create this were the layer mask and blend tools. I used silhouette pictures to create a sunset mood. They all relate because they are all animals that were natural to an area like that at the time they were alive. (Except the evolution one, because it has multiple advanced species in it.) The picture to the right was done by one of my classmates...I thought it was good so I posted it.


I used a layer mask on the roses to delete the leaves that were sticking out. I also used the move, blend, and eraser tool to create this. Also, I used layer FX's to make shadows and create a sepia shade on the Colosseum.

Magic wand

I used the magic wand tool to create this picture. This picture is meant to resemble an artist holding his paint tray, and wearing a beret.

Crazy Combos

I used the wings of an owl, an alligator's head and body, a horse's, eagle's, frog's, and praying mantis's leg, and the tail of a whale. I used the blend, move, marquee, magic wand, and quick selection tools to make the picture above.

All about me

I searched ten images on google that resemble myself and saved them to Adobe Photoshop. I used the quick selection, marquee, and move tools to create this image.